Welcome to Raymond Village Community Church, United Church of Christ

Creating Community

Knitting and Crocheting Group – second & fourth Tuesday at 2:00 p.m in a room on the middle level – up one from the vestry. Everyone is welcome whether you knit or crochet, or want to learn. We are usually working on projects for donations and we have plenty of yarn. Please join us and share your favorite project or a donation that you would like to be involved in. Whether you join us or not you are always welcome to make donations. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks! Brenda (bolsen001@maine.rr.com) or 207-838-0123 

Pot Roast Suppers – We historically put on five public suppers during the summer and fall.   During 2020, we realized we could still put on a supper as long as it was take-out. We are continuing that tradition in 2024.    Our 2024 suppers are take-out only. Orders are made in advance and pick-ups are scheduled.

LINE DANCING, YEAAAH!!!!  Classes will be in the Church Vestry on Fridays. All classes will run from 10:00-11:30.